Fusion Driver Education

About us

Fusion is focused on driver education including general driving instruction and Street Talk defensive driving advanced driving skills courses. We are working to reduce the social and financial costs of what is an unavoidable component of our modern lives.

We live by our motto:

By working together we achieve more”.

Who we are

Carole Green

Carole Green

Carole is an Approved Street Talk Defensive Driving Skills Facilitator, a member of the New Institute of Driving Educators NZIDE.

She has worked in the area of Road Safety for over 20 years, past involvement implementing programmes within Canterbury Prisons, Fatigue awareness stops in conjunction with Police, road safety education within secondary schools in Canterbury, Safe to Go child restraints advisor.

Maxine Giffen

Maxine Giffen

Maxine is an Approved Street Talk Driving Skills Facilitator/Land Transport New Zealand approved driving instructor. Maxine has a background in Health & Safety.

Vanessa Brown

Having been involved with Fusion Driver Education since 2004, I have assisted with projects like cleaning up/landscaping of the Woolston Cemetery, Graffiti Busters; cleaning up graffiti vandalism in the Heathcote/Ferrymead Ward, Safe to Go technician working in the community with child restraints and casual office person.

Contact us

Fusion Driver Education
572 East Maddison Road
Rolleston 7615
Selwyn District

Vanessa Brown: 027 528 6297

email: office@fde.co.nz

Contact Form

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